Direct Hard Money Private Lenders
Hard Money Lenders Arizona

How much do you need?
Over $40,000,000 Funded

All of Your Funding Problems are Solved Here!
Get the Lowest Possible Rate Term Guaranteed

Residential From 7.99% APR*
Fix & Flip 90% LTV with 100% of Rehab*

If You Are Not Using Level 4 Funding You’re
Probably Paying Way Too Much

That’s It! The Stress is Gone
No More Begging, No Jumping Through Hoops
No Tax Returns, No Pay Stubs or No Credit Required
No UP Front Fees - No Junk Fees

More Real Estate Investors Became
Millionaires and You Can Too
Do Real Estate Investing and Take Over the World

What are you waiting for?
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We Specialize in Hard Money Lenders in Arizona

 No More Begging

No Jumping Through Hoops

No Tax Returns

 No Pay Stubs*

 No Credit Required

 No Up Front Fees or Junk Fees

Flexible Terms From 3 to 60 Months

 Fixed Rate From 7.99% APR*

Up to 85% As-Is Value, 100% of Rehab Costs

Commercial/Construction Loans

Business Loans/Fix&Fip Loans

 Trust Deed Investing

Hard Money Lender in Arizona Just Funded

Do What Everyone Else Is Doing Start Making Money

If Your’re Not Using Level 4 Funding

You Are Paying Way To Much


Cash Out Hard Money Loan
Loan Amount $1,850,000
Home Value $4,000,000
LTV 46% Scottsdale, AZ

Cash Out Hard Money Loans
Loan Amount $3,000,000 @9%
Home Value $4,850,000
LTV 61% Beverly Hills CA


Construction Hard Money Loans
Loan  $185,000 @ 9.5% 24 Months
Home Value $275,000
Prescott Valley AZ

  • Paul Nordini
    “Top notch loan broker. who was awesome, quick, prompt, and most importantly, delivered. I would say don't even waste your time with another broker - these folks get the deal done, period. As a lawyer, they have helped me and many of my clients with a can-do attitude, and professionalism that is unmatched. A definite recommendation.”
  • Roger Johanson
    “I was working with a hard money lender (OF) for the past ten days. 24 hours before my loan was supposed to close they called me and told me they were lowering my loan amount by 15%. I called Mark G at Level 4 Funding and told him the situation. If you want work with someone honest and professional call Level 4 Funding today.”
    Roger Johanson
  • Rick Carrol
    “After hearing, the good things about this company, I think they are on top of their game. I will keep recommending people I know in Arizona to level 4 Funding.”
    Rick Carrol

Try These 5 Tactics to Find the Best Hard Money Lenders Arizona

Unlike receiving a loan through a traditional bank, obtaining your loan through hard money lenders Arizona allows you to develop personal relationships and network for further business opportunities. Learn how to find the perfect lenders for your needs and how to establish personal bonds that may help grow your financial future. If you are looking to obtain a loan quickly so that you can get a jump on an upcoming business venture, hard money may be the perfect solution for you and your company. Now that you have deciding to pursue a hard money loan, it is crucial that you find the perfect private lender for the needs of you and your company. These five strategies can be used to find an ideal hard money lender to help you achieve your business goals:

  1. Consider the interest rates or points. A hard money lender is taking more of a risk than any bank would by granting you a loan opportunity. This means that hard money lenders Arizona often must charge a higher interest rate on their loan. Compare the rates of various lenders and secure a loan that has rates that accommodate the limitations of your budget.  
  2. Determine the value of your loan. Due to increase interest rates, consider the actual value of the loan. Consider of the interest rate still makes the hard money loan a worthwhile business opportunity. This will most likely vary from lender to lender.
  3. Find a lender you feel comfortable with. Dealing with private lenders is much different than operating with a bank. Due to the unique nature of hard money loans, it is important to choose a lender you feel comfortable communicating with. Remember that this is a professional relationship.  
  4. Check the past history of your lender. Choose a lender that is reputable and trustworthy throughout the community to avoid any challenges with your potential lender
  5. Contact lenders near you or attend opportunities to network. Do everything you can to get the name of your business out there and always carry yourself with a professional rapport. You never know when a lending opportunity may arise and it is important to look for these opportunities even in unlikely places.

Secure Your Financial Future By Developing Strong Relationships With Private Investors

A hard money loan can open many doors for you and your business. When you are hoping to quickly obtain a loan, hard money is often an ideal solution. It is important to develop positive relationships with lenders so that you can potentially be led to more investment opportunities in the future.

Networking skills and getting the name of your business out to a variety of different investors will allow you to connect with more private lenders that may want to invest in your business or company.

Since you never know when a lending opportunity may arise, it is important to carry yourself with professionalism. Network and don’t be afraid to reach out to various members of the business community in your respective area to find the perfect lending opportunities near you.

Will Hard money lenders in Arizona Help if You Have Large Student Loans?

Student loans impact millions of would-be borrowers and can stop investment dreams in their tracks. However, hard money lenders in Arizona often work with people in these situations and may be more flexible than banks.

Student loan debts are a thorn in the side of roughly 42% of college-educated Americans, with the average new grad having just shy of $30,000 to pay back. It’s taking longer than ever to get these loans paid off, meaning those who have decided to further their educations frequently delay things like homeownership and investing as they whittle away at their debts.

In many cases, chipping away at the debt is good for credit scores. It shows banks that the individual is responsible and is managing payments wisely. However, when grads decide to try to get any other form of loan, it’s often seen as a negative; the individual has too much debt for their income, and the banks worry the burden will stop them from making payments.

This is why many people turn to alternative forms of lending in order to move forward with their dreams of entrepreneurship, home ownership, or wealth planning. Depending on the circumstances, hard money lenders in Arizona can lend a helping hand when banks don’t.

Evaluate the Fiscal Sense of a Loan Before Seeking Alternative Financing

Hard money lenders in Arizona work with a special form of funding. It’s a short-term loan, usually lasting five years or less, and is typically backed by an asset, such as a home. There are different types of loans available for personal and commercial use, meaning it could be an ideal choice if your business needs a cash injection or you’re trying to get into a home and plan to purchase a fixer-upper to save cash. While those financing will still look at how much debt you’re taking on and whether you can make the payments or not, you’ll likely have a bit more wiggle room because you’re using collateral. Moreover, during the period the loan is active, you’ll generally only pay interest, so the monthly payments are comparatively low to traditional loans which require interest and principle paid each month.

Have an exit plan to reduce risk.

The biggest concern when working with hard money lenders in Arizona is that you’ll need to have an exit plan; this form of funding is not a permanent or long-term solution. You’ll either need to pay off your balance in its entirety with your own cash when your term is up or have another form of lending lined up. Some do this by shoring up their finances in the interim, so they qualify for a traditional loan, while others simply sell off the asset. The latter works remarkably well for those who choose to repair a home while living in it, effectively trading their interest-only payment for a rental fee and then selling off the home for profit when the work is done. This approach not only reduces the grad’s expenses, but helps generate additional income to chip away at the student loan debts. Moreover, those with degrees in finance, architecture, or similar areas can apply their learning to their projects, providing practical use of their new skills.