Direct Hard Money Private Lenders
Spec Home Financing in Arizona

How much do you need?
Over $40,000,000 Funded

All of Your Funding Problems are Solved Here!
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Residential From 7.99% APR*
Fix & Flip 90% LTV with 100% of Rehab*

If You Are Not Using Level 4 Funding You’re
Probably Paying Way Too Much

That’s It! The Stress is Gone
No More Begging, No Jumping Through Hoops
No Tax Returns, No Pay Stubs or No Credit Required
No UP Front Fees - No Junk Fees

More Real Estate Investors Became
Millionaires and You Can Too
Do Real Estate Investing and Take Over the World

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We Specialize in Spec Home Financing  in Arizona

‱ No More Begging

‱ No Jumping Through Hoops

‱ No Tax Returns

‱ No Pay Stubs*

‱ No Credit Required

‱ No Up Front Fees or Junk Fees

‱ Flexible Terms From 3 to 60 Months

‱ Fixed Rate From 7.99% APR*

‱ Up to 85% As-Is Value, 100% of Rehab Costs

‱ Commercial/Construction Loans

‱ Business Loans/Fix&Fip Loans

‱ Trust Deed Investing

Hard Money Lender Spec Home Financing  in Arizona

Do What Everyone Else Is Doing Start Making Money

If Your’re Not Using Level 4 Funding

You Are Paying Way To Much


Cash Out Hard Money Loan
Loan Amount $1,850,000
Home Value $4,000,000
LTV 46% Scottsdale, AZ

Cash Out Hard Money Loans
Loan Amount $3,000,000 @9%
Home Value $4,850,000
LTV 61% Beverly Hills CA


Construction Hard Money Loans
Loan  $185,000 @ 9.5% 24 Months
Home Value $275,000
Prescott Valley AZ

  • Paul Nordini
    “Top notch loan broker. who was awesome, quick, prompt, and most importantly, delivered. I would say don't even waste your time with another broker - these folks get the deal done, period. As a lawyer, they have helped me and many of my clients with a can-do attitude, and professionalism that is unmatched. A definite recommendation.”
  • Roger Johanson
    “I was working with a hard money lender (OF) for the past ten days. 24 hours before my loan was supposed to close they called me and told me they were lowering my loan amount by 15%. I called Mark G at Level 4 Funding and told him the situation. If you want work with someone honest and professional call Level 4 Funding today.”
    Roger Johanson
  • Rick Carrol
    “After hearing, the good things about this company, I think they are on top of their game. I will keep recommending people I know in Arizona to level 4 Funding.”
    Rick Carrol

Why It’s Hard to Get Spec Home Financing  in Arizona (And What You Can Do About It)

Got great plans, but struggling to get spec home financing? An alternative lending option can help you get the job done.

The term “spec home” refers to one that is “speculative,” or is uncertain in the sense that the builder does not have a buyer lined up for it before beginning the project. Although a great many houses are custom-built with a specific person in mind, specs are popular in outlying areas that are experiencing rapid growth or existing neighborhoods with demand and empty space.

The fact that there is no buyer lined up ahead of time, and construction expenses are higher than, say doing a fix-and-flip, means these projects are a bit more risky than others. Because of this, it can sometimes be a bit more difficult to get Spec Home Financing  in Arizona than other loan types. You are, in essence, selling an idea to the lender. Ergo, you have to think like you’re the one lending out the money.

If you haven’t already selected a property, this is a great place to start. “Improved land,” which is already connected to things like sewers, electricity, and roadways, is usually considered a safer bet than “raw land,” which is not. Depending on the nature of the developments, improved land is usually more valuable as well, which is helpful if you decide to use it as collateral. Oftentimes, banks aren’t overly-excited about lending money to purchase land. Average people don’t often develop it or live on I, which means if the land owner runs into trouble down the line, the bank is getting stuck with an unusable piece of property. Although builders may have the vision that leads to a high-value property and the knowledge to see it through, banks still usually expect them to cover half or all the cost of the land on their own. That’s where alternative funding shines.

If You Can Pay for the Land, You Can Use it as Collateral

If you’re looking into alternative options, Spec Home Financing  in Arizona is more easily achieved through collateralization. That means you use the land, which you’ve already paid for, as collateral on a loan to cover construction costs. As an alternative, you can sometimes use another piece of property, such as your own home, as collateral. The big difference with an alternative option like hard money is that loans are for a shorter period of time, so you’ll want to make sure you can have the house built and sold within a small window; typically about a year or two, though some loans extend longer. During this time, you’d likely only make payments toward the interest, which keeps more money in your pocket throughout the construction process. However, it is all due in one lump sum at the end of your term, so most builders try to have the house sold before construction is complete.

Risk less by carrying out a realistic assessment of value and likelihood of a fast sale.

One of the best ways to determine what your finished project will sell for and how quickly it will close is to talk to an appraiser who specializes in homes in the area you want to build. You can also check out property sales for the past 6-12 months to see how much time houses are sitting on the market and how their prices are fluctuating. With this information in mind you can approach a broker about getting Spec Home Financing  in Arizona and you’ll likely receive it.