Level 4 Funding

February 9, 2017

Should you consider a fractional investment as a residential hard money lender?

Entrepreneurship, in general, is an extremely tough and time-consuming profession. Sure, you will always find people that are running businesses, but at what cost? Most of […]
February 8, 2017

How to get started as a residential hard money lender

If you were to walk down the street stop someone and ask them, “If you could change your job would you,” what do you think their […]
February 8, 2017

Is VR the future for real estate?

Virtual reality is slowly gaining a lot of steam in the tech world. While it is still in its early stages VR has started displaying its […]
February 8, 2017

Should residential hard money lenders get involved with ‘tiny houses’?

Recently, there has been a boom of people that want mobility to coincide with their dream home. However, instead of purchasing a mobile home or RV, […]
February 8, 2017

How transparent of a residential hard money lender are you?

In the age of instant gratification, transparency is the key to being successful. As consumers, we want to be able to trust every single product that […]
February 7, 2017

Why are millennials moving away from home owning?

Hey, you broke millennials, how does it feel to still have a curfew? We all get it when you were in college the easy life seemed […]
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